COMMISSIONS: OPENPlease ASK PERMISSION before use/repost of my fanart on any platform.
icon/header use is ok without permission as long as you credit me

you may contact me through any of the accounts listed below (twitter, instagram, email, or discord) if you wish to commission me.

20 years old, english and filipino, they/them, preferrably gender neutral terms only

☆. interests at the moment: i lost my personality in school

DMs are always open in case you would like to educate me on something wrong i said or did thank you!feel free to add me to your taglist if we're moots :>

—☆ my account mostly contains (but not limited to):

  • current interests, chiluc, ragbros, traveler twins, haikaveh hualian, fengqing, bronseele, kiamei, shenlan, and other comfort characters/ships


  • i draw whatever i'm currently interested in i am not in any specific fandom, please do not force your headcanons and likes/dislikes onto me, may be rt heavy at times, slow art, very rarely interacts with nsfw tweets (though they still might appear in your timeline), very inactive sometimes and just pops out of nowhere with new art, slow at replying but feel free to chat with me anywhere if you want to be friends!

  • no DNI criteria, just make sure that you are aware of my account's content and you are okay with it. I simply block or mute anyone i see as problematic or disrespectful.

fully rendered art, mini comics